On Thursday 11th March the governing body of Sordevolo’s Popular Theatre Association met to discuss the next cycle of its Passion Play.
Because of the present relentless health emergency, with great dismay we are forced to cancel the Passion performances programmed for 2021. This decision was guided by the need to protect the health of the cast, of all our collaborators as well as that of the audience in the amphitheatre. The performances are going to be postponed to the period between June and September 2022.
This resolution will have to be ratified at an Assembly of the members of the Association, during which a new calendar will be proposed for final approval.
We trust that everyone will understand this difficult decision. We are grateful to all of those who follow our activities, offering us support and encouragement. This helps us to face these difficult times and contributes to keeping interest in our antique tradition alive. We hope to be able to continue relying on this precious support in the future.
President Sordevolo’s Popular Theatre Association