Associazione Teatro Popolare di Sordevolo
The Associazione Teatro Popolare di Sordevolo (Sordevolo Folk Theater Association) born first as a committee in 1850 and later turned into legally recognized association in 1992, is an independent charitable organization, non-partisan and non-denominational, that has the main purpose -fixed and mandatory- to maintain alive and perpetuate over time the ancient tradition of the Passion of Christ, ensuring its representation in the town of Sordevolo.
It has moreover the purpose of developing recreational and cultural activities in Sordevolo.
The Association is non-profit and, as provided by statute, donate to charity the profit of each representation.
Currently 160 members are part of the association, convened every year in ordinary assembly and convened in extraordinary assembly when necessary, but always every five years to approve the realization and the budget of an edition of the Passion play.
The assembly also elect a Directive Board, which includes seventeen members elected within the assembly, and remains in office for five years.
The Mayor of Sordevolo is by right member of the Directive Board. The board is vested with the widest powers, both for ordinary and extraordinary management of the association. Within it, the advisors elect a President, a Vice-president, an Artistic Director, a Treasurer and a Secretary.
Very relevant for the management of the association are the Study and Operational Commissions, which act in full autonomy and responsibility, respecting the guidelines of the board, given at the time of getting their mandate.
All the commission are chaired by the Director and led by a manager chosen from among the members of the Directive Board.
Currently, the study and operating commissions are the following: Promotion Commission – Amphitheatre Commission – Show/Performance Commission – Logistics Commission – Press and Social Network Commission – Tickets Commission – Budget Commission – Tailoring and Costumes Commission – Reception/Hospitality (Incoming) Commission, beside the Passion Museum Commission, and the Mercatino degli Angeli (Angels Market) Commission
The Passion Play
Villagers from Sordevolo have been giving life to a Sacred play portraying Christ’s Passion once every five years since 1816. Four hundred people take part three evenings a week from June to September. There are actors, extras, musicians, stage operators. The passion Play is based on a 1496 script by Bishop Giuliano Dati, which was first staged in the Colosseum in Rome in the fifteenth century.
It is performed in an area of 4000 square metres, which is transformed into a corner of the Holy Land. People of all ages, social and cultural backgrounds volunteer to put in for a total of 75,000 hours of work.
The Museum
A Museum made by People, not only by findings and roles.
The Passion Museum, housed in the Church of Santa Marta’s apse and sacristy, was inaugurated in August 2005.
During their tour, visitors can admire documents regarding the history of the Passion of Sordevolo, a collection of videos, pictures, texts and object testifying the glorious past of this sacred representation of folk theatre.
The “Angels Market”
In Sordevolo visitors can discover a fairyland while waiting for Christmas.
The festive atmosphere can be enjoyed in the village, between illuminated streets and huge angels who welcome you.
You can feel Christmas by walking between the wooden houses and the stalls of the Angels Market, between the cold streets, the church and the amphitheatre, and on the smiling faces of people around you.
Directive Board

Rubin Pedrazzo Stefano

Fogliano Andrea
Advisor and Coordinator of the Angels’ Market

Fogliano Celestino

Pedrazzo Carlo
In memoriam

Carlino Alberto

Chiappo Elisabetta
Advisor and Coordinator of the Passion Museum

Pidello Anna

Danasino Giuseppe

Fogliano Elena

Fontana Laura

Givone Lorena

Pedrazzo Marco

Pedrazzo Paolo

Perino Flaminia

Pidello Gian Marco

Roggero Marco

Ronchetta Franco

Farina Alessandro

Monticone Alberto
Mayor of Sordevolo
Member by Right
Nothing great in the world was accomplished without passion.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel